May I comment on why I think (Anton Scheepers) could be a sales and marketing asset, and worthy of your consideration.
- > 25 years in agriculture in SA and probably >10 years experience in Africa – excellent grounding in SA agricultural trade and trading conditions
- Given his African and SA experience, he is known by many grain commodity traders and also numerous grain seed traders. He is also known by many farmers and agri industries, importers and exporters.
- Huge networking base in SADEC agriculture – one of the biggest and widest networks I have ever seen, and thrives on networking.
- Very good skills in pioneering new business opportunities and a courageous man when it come to new challenges.
- does the right amount of talking and discussion and planning, then gets into action. He is an action man, more than a talker.
- Anton is not shy when it comes to working hours and dedication. In fact – this is his one downfall – he tends to work too hard.
- Excellent sales skills – you will note his contagious enthusiasm and ability when you meet him. Although he not an expert in seed technology his background and agri-understanding will enable him to quickly get up to speed.
- His marketing skills are also above average and will enable the development of a strong strategic plan, which will be implemented on time, if not before.
- Although much of his experience is from farm gate to the consumer, he has been involved in many successful “greenfields” projects and other commercial agricultural enterprises – which keep him solidly grounded as an input supplier for farms, seed companies etc.. This is in fact a big advantage as any involvement as input supplier has his clients profit margin in mind, and as such gives him an advantage over others.
- Given a good company support base in terms of admin, technical and management matters, and relevant guidance when required – he could be a worthy asset for Astec.
Dr Derek Askew, Commercial Manager – Agriculture
McCain Foods SA (Pty) Ltd
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