We as the directors of Longmore Flower Estates, hereafter LFE would like to express our sincere satisfaction and gratitude to the Department of Agriculture for appointing Anton Scheepers of AIM to undertake the project work here at LFE.
We are very happy with the work he has done to date. Over 20 000 Madiba plants have in fact been delivered. He successfully arranged that 3 ha of land be cleared and cleaned so that the Madib&s can go in and be planted in August of this year.
We are especially grateful that Mr Scheepers is now our new mentor and he has demonstrated his commitment to this project by arranging that our entire nursery be fixed down to the heating elements being re-fitted, our Strelitzia plants saved and that many hectares of our Sylvia be cleaned and pruned to date. Mr Scheepers also Found us a market for our flowers and assisted us at his expense to harvest and market our Pink Ice harvest.
We are delighted with this report and look forward to working closely with him and all other stakeholders as we restore LEE together.
Lena Geswind
(Chairperson & New Managing Director)
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