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Essential info for International firms seeking to export to Southern Africa

Essential info for African-based farmers and agribusinesses seeking to export 

Author Archive

Captain Dorego’s

I have known Anton Scheepers for the past five months and during this time he has really impressed me with his skills and experience.

We needed to urgently procure oil, poultry as well chips products for our group. This against the backdrop of high transaction costs due to higher fuel prices that shifted the procurement landscape in South Africa.

Anton not only procured for us poultry and oil at much cheaper prices, but he assisted us in resolving our real problem with French fries and that is the processing of the French fries. Natures Garden and Mc Cain used to supply us with French fries, but due to load shedding they stopped supplying us. Our group was left with a major problem. Enter Anton Scheepers and his company AIM. They sourced us much cheaper quality potatoes and assisted us in developing a product processing facility that is fully containerized and mobile. This has had a massively positive impact on our input costs.

Anton is a rare talent in his agricultural and industrial field, with a tremendous ability to solve problems and think on his feet. We can only recommend him for major challenges in any agricultural and development supply chain and environment.

We will be using Anton for many years to come.



Kiran Moodley

CEO Captain Dorego’s group

Urban Econ

Anton has been working with Urban Econ for the past 10 years. During this time, he has assisted us with many dozens of projects. Anton’s skills and experience in developing the National agri-parks programme in South Africa was particularly useful.

Anton enjoys vast experience in penetrate international markets, assisting special economic zones in the creation of the perfect trading environment as well as in supply chain engineering. Anton has assisted us with many projects, notably with a high-profile client in Zimbabwe in assisting him to link his large farms to special economic zones.

Anton was also active in numerous projects around the proposed Mthatha special economic zone. But it is his particular flair in setting up local, regional, national and even international supply chains that is particularly useful in stimulating upstream primary production through processes of market suction.

Anton is exceptionally gifted in the establishment of agricultural supply chains, particularly as it pertains to product beneficiation on satellite projects, the establishment of the incubation farms for emergent farmers, the introduction of specific technologies in product handling and storage, the design of scheduling mechanisms as well as the eventual process through to the markets.

Anton has been involved with every conceivable agricultural industry for our firm. From aquaculture and forestry, as well as grain and vegetable production to establishing sophisticated protein supply chains, complete with batch processing capabilities, perfectly aligned to the emergent sector.

Finally, Anton has developed a number of interesting supply chain solutions, particularly in aggregating agricultural produce. His over 37 years of agricultural experience has benefited our company immeasurably. If you have any queries, please do not hesitate to contact our office.



Matthew Keeley

Regional Office Manager – Eastern Cape

Urban-Econ Development Economist

Ecoled Resources

With this letter I declared that I have known Anton Scheepers for the past four years. During this time, he has consulted to our company on matters agricultural and industrial development in Africa on African projects. I have found Anton to be an invaluable member to our project team. His skills and experience were able to guide us through very difficult periods in establishing projects and in creating an institutional environment for development centres we designed for African clients. We used Anton for projects in South Africa, Zambia, Tanzania and the DRC.

We found Anton to be very talented, skilled and experienced in the following:

  • The establishment of an institutional environment – bringing in business support and services at project level
  • His ability to find us strategic partners on these development centres/projects of ours
  • In general, skills and experience and expertise in agricultural and industrial production and particularly in the trading thereof as well.
  • Very impressed with his project promotion and negotiation skills
  • His ability to promote our project clusters was noteworthy. Particularly on Greenfields and Brownfields type activities.

I would like to recommend Anton as a consultant and project development agent to any development promoter, the state, private companies or aid organisations. He is the type of person that will make your project work through his vast experience, skills and enthusiasm. It is a joy to have him in any development team. Very powerful as a problem solver as well.

Paul Smith

3 Lysium

I know Mr. Anton Scheepers well, and have known him for over 6 years. During this time, he consulted to a range of companies that I was associated with and has also provided services to 3Lysium. Anton assisted us with a few projects which included: Infrastructure & Urban Development Proposal for Boane, Maputo Mozambique. This was a joint venture development initiative between Anwaar Majan, the Municipality of Boane and 3Lysium. A Agricultural Free Zone development that was intended to be developed in Xai-Xai, Mozambique. This project was an agreement between Regadio Do Baixo Limpopo, Empresa Publica and 3Lysium Holdings.

I am immensely impressed with Anton’s skill level and obvious experience in the field of project development. He is particularly adept in getting agricultural and industrial projects established in special economic zones as well as in areas that are marginalised from centralised development

When working with us Anton requirements and skills were very primarily targeted towards: setting up of strategic partnerships, promoting production/development nodes to potential investors, compiling development service centres, particularly in Mozambique.

He assisted us immensely in populating the centres from a service profile point of view in order to meet investor’s requirements. The services included the following: market information service, country/regional economic profiling, assisting us to budget out the bills of quantities for construction, promoting and marketing this initiative to government.

His ability to muster business services was simply astounding: production finance, trade finance, Logistics IT, track and trace software, Supply chain engineering to reduce transactional costs, aggregated marketing and the like. 

Working with Anton has been a pleasure for 3Lysium. He is enthusiastic, professional, experienced and very dedicated to delivery and we highly recommend him.

Garth Geanssler
(CEO – 3Lysium Holdings LLC)